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Team Work


Team Work


Why do we work in Teams? Has anybody actually sat back and wondered why we tend to work in teams.

Now remember a team can be any number of people added to ourselves (in an environment of colaboration). So think of it…..if we are in a relationship, we are a team (not always cohesive), when we are at work we tend to work in a team, even virtual teams count. We spend time in meetings, on the phone to either individuals or conference calls. We send emails to colleagues, bosses, clients etc. Why do we as people follow this behavior?

Here are my thoughts on this.The may no all be for the same reasons or understandings that you have, but my view all the same.

As humans we want to feel that we are worth something. We show our contributions by passing comments, stating our views or giving advice. All this has to be conveyed to some other sole for it to mean anything (talking to yourself does not always count as team work).

We like to feel that we have made the right decisions so we make sure that in a team environment we have confirmation and re-assurance that we are either saying or doing the right things (meetings, project environments etc.).

In relationships we discuss and share our decisions about what should happen to the house, the children, the garden and the animals (this does not include the children or each other when referring to he animals).

Sports is also a team activity, even if you play a sport where you are the only participant, like golf. Golf is actually also a team activity comprising coaches, managers as well as a caddie (if you are fortunate enough to have reached this level).

Now that I have given a few examples of where “TEAM WORK” seems to be the norm, lets try and understand why.

Yes, I have mentioned before, humans seem to need confirmation as to what they are doing or saying is correct (at least in their minds). this phenomenon seems to highlight something else, we are interdependent on others to survive with a content feeling in our minds and hearts that we are on the right track. Yes, we spend time on our own thinking, creating and generally just being alone but we always seem to return to that team.

See if you can think of any aspects of your life where you are not somehow involved in a “TEAM” and let me know.

(As you can see, even requesting a response to this blog is a team activity 😉 )

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Filed under How to, Learning, Productivity, Skills, Team